Bethel Music's Sean Feucht Releases 'Wild'

Nov 03 2018

Bethel Music’s Sean Feucht's missionally inspired Wild released today. Recorded live at Bethel Church, Wild expands on Jesus as the ‘Wild One,’ unpacking a life of radical obedience and holy boldness."The live recording allows room for songs to unwind into extended, spontaneous worship," said CCM Magazine, "capturing the atmosphere of an audience fully involved in the act of worship with voices raised and hearts open to the presence of God," added Today's Christian Entertainment.

Igniting mission movements around the world, the songs found on Wild were forged through Feucht's personal experience, bringing the joy- filled gospel into uncharted regions of the world, from war-torn areas in Iraq to the underground church in China. "The lyrics of the songs show that worship is not just confined to air-conditioned churches with spotlights and comfortable chairs," added Hallels of the project. "Rather, even in the streets of war-turned countries and the stuffy corridors of underground churches, God is still breaking strongholds when his people raise their voices in worship." The album echoes this storyline in its diverse sonic landscape, ranging from joyful anthems to intimate prayers.

Coinciding with the release of Wild, Bethel Music will be unveiling a complementing documentary that chronicles Feucht's missional movements, bringing the gospel to remote areas of the world, and inspiring the songs found on his latest release.

Furthering the mission behind the album, Bethel Music alongside Feucht will be holding their second annual "Peace On Earth" event tomorrow, Nov. 3rd at 7:00PM PDT. In an aim to help the now 3.4 million displaced people in Iraq after fleeing the violence of ISIS and their war torn villages, funds from the meaningful time of worship, prayer and storytelling in Redding, Calif. will go to raise one hundred fifteen thousand dollars worth of food, blankets, heaters, mattresses, shoes and more for the people of Northern Iraq. Special guests include Steffany Gretzinger, Pat Barrett, John Mark Mcmillan and more.

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