Sheri Lynn Riley Releasing New Single 'Peace With The Lord'

Sep 25 2020

Sheri Lynn Riley will release her latest single 'Peace With The Lord' on September 25th 2020. The single is taken from her forthcoming third album, which will also be followed by her second book.

People have good reasons to be discouraged right now. With months of social isolation, lock downs and unemployment; chaos from rioting, looting, and property destruction along with violence, we wonder if peace will ever be normal again. In her latest ballad, “Peace With The Lord,” singer, songwriter, author, and speaker Sheri Lynn Riley addresses our collective restlessness as she continues to distinguish herself with peaceful activism - one that uses music and lyrics to encourage believers to view current events through the lens of God’s timeless Word.

Revolutions often start small - an idea that needs action to implement change. Jesus’ revolution seemed backwards. What kind of Messiah starts as a baby born in a barn? How can his kingdom last forever if it ends with a dramatic death on the cross? No wonder his confused disciple-believers were left hiding behind a locked door in fear of their lives!

Then - in a moment - everything changed! Jesus appeared to them saying, “Peace be with you,” a phrase he used only three times after his resurrection (John 20:19-31). Now the disciples had the Messiah they expected! Now they knew death and sin were defeated and salvation was near! But they were incomplete in their own power. Before Jesus could send them - or us - out to finish the work he started (the great commission of spreading the Good News globally), they needed the breath of Jesus’ Holy Spirit to empower this holy work. Today, it’s still good to know that even though we don’t know what’s beyond our locked doors, we can find strength, comfort, and hope knowing that, “Peace is still with the Lord.”

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