WH Smiths have some Compassionart

Nov 13 2008

COMPASSIONART are pleased to announce that WH Smith will be stocking the CompassionArt album in most of their 486 stores across the country from the moment of its release on November 24th.

This remarkable album offers up a brand new soundtrack for all those wondering just how far art and compassion can go to solving some of the world's most pressing issues of injustice. The fourteen tracks all follow the compass of grace, hope, faith and take up the Biblical mandate for God's people to put the gospel into action. Featuring a bonus DVD that documents the creation of the project, CompassionArt is not only a good deal for those who buy it: 100% of its proceeds will be given to a range of 16 initial projects, each carrying out excellent work around the world.

The brain - and heart - child of Martin and Anna Smith, CompassionArt has already created a stir, even before the album and book (The Art of Compassion - Hodder & Stoughton UK) have been released. Such is the hunger for a new era of worship that engages with the world as we see it, beyond the pews, that CompassionArt is sure to be a hit from High Street to High Church.
To Pre Order the CD from Survivor.co.uk records click here.

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