Greaternity Releases Debut Double Album, 'The Son Of Man'

Jun 21 2024

Christian music project, Greaternity, joyfully announces the release of their long-awaited debut double album of divinely inspired song messages, 'THE SON OF MAN', on Friday, June 21, 2024! The album includes twenty-one (21) total songs; (20) original songs and one (1) cover of the 70s pop hit ‘Put Your Hand In The Hand’ by Gene MacLellan.

All twenty (20) original songs were written by Greaternity’s Robert J. Thompson (aka Bobby Joe Owens) and all songs are were arranged and produced by Nashville based Producer, Simon Reid. While most of the songs are Christian Country based, there are quite a few surprises along the way.

THE SON OF MAN - THE DOUBLE ALBUM’ is here and the world needs to hear this now more than ever!

“This double album is a real treat for all music lovers! A hit song for every music genre can be found within the 21 tracks. Epic songwriting, great vocals, an exceptional album. The message is clear, it's all about THE SON OF MAN! We give it 21 chart topping stars!!”
-PowerSource Magazine/TenFiftySeven Media

Bobby Joe reveals “This album is a huge part of my life’s work and I’m so grateful The Lord chose me and provided me with these special gifts. ‘The Son Of Man’ album is an epic journey from start to finish with a multi-genre combination of slow, mid and fast tempo songs. The album is an integrated body of work with all songs coming from the same place and the overall message is more meaningful if listened to in one sitting. For anyone who listens, there is a song, a verse, a line or a word meant to touch your spirit and inspire you to draw closer in your relationship with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ or to open your heart and mind to exploring a relationship with Jesus. God is love, this album is love and may all who listen be forever blessed and loved with all glory be to God!”

The Son Of Man’ album includes six (6) songs previously released as singles; ‘The Son Of Man’, ‘Trust My Word’, ‘Love You Like Jesus’, ‘What A Wonderful Night’, ‘Planting Seed’ and ‘Let Your Love Shine In.’ ‘The Son Of Man’ and ‘Love You Like Jesus’ received makeovers from Simon Reid and ‘Trust My Word’ was totally redone for the album. ‘Trust My Word’ has the same song message, but now has a big country anthem sound to it. ‘What A Wonderful Night’, ‘Planting Seed’ and ‘Let Your Love Shine In’ were remastered, but otherwise the same and still ready for radio airplay.

It’s In Your Hands’ is an inspirational ballad and is Bobby Joe’s testimony song about his wife Anna’s near-death experience, the prayer he repeated (“It’s in your hands, I trust in you”) at the hospital, his being born again, thanking The Lord for saving Anna and committing his life to serving and glorifying God. This album is the result of his commitment.

For All To See’ and ‘My God, My God’ are coupled together as they are both about significant events in the life of Jesus here on earth. ‘For All to See’ is an all-out blues rocker that recounts major events, from birth to his resurrection, that were witnessed in public “for all to see.” Even still, many who witnessed Jesus and his miracles chose not to receive him as their Messiah. So, seeing doesn’t always mean believing, but those who believe without seeing will be forever blessed. ‘My God, My God’ is a five (5) minute examination of The Crucifixion, The Resurrection, The Ascension and the conversations that may have taken place between Jesus and God The Father, Jesus and the three Marys and Jesus and his apostles. This song also features a masterful two (2) minute musical interlude by Simon Reid that represents the events that took place between The Crucifixion and The Resurrection. ‘My God, My God’ has the essence of a Broadway show tune and comparisons are made to the soundtrack for ‘Jesus Christ Superstar.’

I’m Willing’ is an intimate ballad and a continuation of Bobby Joe’s commitment to serve and glorify God. You don’t have to be a biblical scholar, experienced pastor or qualified in any way to serve The Lord, you just need to be “willing.”

Let Jesus Sort It Out’ and ‘Turn The Other Cheek’ are also coupled together as they both discuss Jesus’ role as judge and jury and as the sovereign authority for pouring out vengeance on the enemy. ‘Let Jesus Sort It Out’ is a mid-tempo anthem about not judging others and instead giving them the benefit of the doubt and letting Jesus sort it out. ‘Turn The Other Cheek’ is a mid-tempo country rocker with a spoken word intro reminiscent of Charlie Daniels. This song has the very direct message of not taking matters into our own hands and letting Jesus repay our enemies. He is the judge, the jury, the just and the fury and vengeance will always be his in the end or whenever he feels it necessary to “pour out” justice.

What A Wonderful Night’ was released on November 15th of last year and is now a published book with the same title. The ‘What A Wonderful Night’ book is a children’s storybook that features beautifully crafted illustrations and song lyrics that clearly describe the setting and events surrounding the birth of Jesus. The book is published by TBN’s Trilogy Publishing and is now available for purchase through Barnes & Noble, Amazon and most online bookstores.

There Is No In Between’ and ‘If It Ain’t About Jesus’ are coupled together as they are both from the Americana/Folk/Bluegrass realm with a similar message. ‘There Is No In Between’ is straight up Bluegrass featuring the fiddle stylings of Ross Holmes (The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Cadillac Sky, Mumford & Sons). This is a direct message from Jesus explaining to non-believers that “you are for me, or you’re against me, there is no in between.” If you are for Jesus, “you’ll see a beauty like you’ve never seen” and he’ll be with you for eternity. ‘If It Ain’t About Jesus’ is a mid-tempo Americana/Folk tune based on the motto of an American Christian Motorcycle Club. In the New Testament Book of John 14:6 (NLT), Jesus says “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” Therefore, if you want to get to Heaven “if it ain’t about Jesus, it ain’t about nothin’, ain’t no one but Jesus gonna let you come in.”

A Life Without Me’ is an intimate, acoustic singer/songwriter style performance with the voice of Jesus describing the pitfalls of a life without him. No matter how much money, fame or power one has, it doesn’t guarantee happiness. If you seem to have everything and nothing at the same time, it’s never too late to welcome Jesus into your life and if you do, you will soon find out that life’s so much better with Jesus than without him.

All You Need To Do Is Pray’ is a “Disney” like show tune and prayer instruction song. Since wishes and worry are not directed towards God, this song message directs the listener to turn their wishes into prayers “otherwise they go nowhere.” Further, “prayers are wishes wrapped in love and sent with care to Heaven above.” Also, when you pray, please remember to:

Pray to The Father
Pray with The Spirit
Pray in the name of His Loving Son
Say your prayers in secret, he hears every word you say
So, don’t you ever worry
All you need to do is pray

“Just pray.”

Let Me Know’ is an intimate, mid-tempo light rocker with the subtle message that Jesus is always listening, he is always here, he is always waiting for you to be sincere. “Take all the time you need, go everywhere you need to go and when you’re finally ready, you need to let me know.” Until you are kneeling in front of Jesus on your judgement day, it’s never too late to reach out and start a conversation.

Sometimes Heaven Needs An Angel’ is a heartfelt ballad that Bobby Joe wrote to help a friend who lost his son to a fentanyl overdose. Losing a child, no matter their age, is probably the hardest thing anyone can experience, and the suffering is instant and continuous. Somethings that happen in this world have no earthly explanation, so we can only hope and pray that we can reach Heaven and finally have the answers we need and find our loved ones waiting there for us. Until that time, we must try and make the best of it, “trust in God’s great wisdom,” and praise Him every day. The song message also highlights the importance of teaching children about Jesus and Heaven at an early age in the event the unfortunate happens.

The Sky Is Changing’ is another intimate message from Jesus to believers and non-believers about what he has and has not promised, what he can do, what he continues to do and provides instructions to his believers for when he returns and calls them up into the clouds at The Coming of the Lord (aka The Rapture). Until then, please know that he is “with you at night, every hour of every day and if you open up your heart,” he will “show you the way.”

The grand finale featuring ‘You Are Welcome In My Kingdom’ and the cover of ‘Put Your Hand In The Hand’ are fast tempo gospel songs that celebrate this huge undertaking of divinely inspired song messages and give all glory to God. Jesus loves all his children and will welcome them, with open arms, into His Kingdom one day. ‘Put Your Hand In The Hand’ is done in the same style as Elvis Presley’s version of this iconic 1970s pop hit to recognize his many contributions to Gospel and Christian music and because he was an inspiration to Bobby Joe when he first started singing at the age of forty-four (44) in 2007. Thank you, thank you very much!

After listening to ‘The Son Of Man - The Double Album,’ the overall message of the album should be crystal clear because it shares the same message as The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Hallelujah, he died for your sins
Hallelujah, your new life begins
Hallelujah, you’ve been born again
Hallelujah, he’ll welcome you in

Greaternity is led by singer/songwriter Bobby Joe Owens (aka Robert J. Thompson) who wrote all twenty (20) original songs on the album after being born again in the fall of 2021 following a near death experience of Owens’ then fiancé (now wife) Anna. Owens says of the experience, "Jesus saved the love of my life, Anna, and these songs honor and praise Jesus Christ as My Lord and Savior. Glory be to God!"

Bobby Joe also provided lead vocals on all twenty-one (21) songs and is supported with the awesome backup vocals of Sakari Greenwell (Tracks 2,3,16,21), Simon Reid and other special guests. Producer and multi-instrumentalist Simon Reid plays all instruments on all twenty-one (21) songs with appearances by Ross Holmes (Track 13), Christopher Kendrick (Track 3), Grant Hart (Track 2) and Logan Barnes (Track 2). Eighteen (18) of the twenty-one (21) songs were also composed by Simon Reid. ‘The Son Of Man’ song was composed by Christopher Kendrick and ‘Love You Like Jesus’ was composed by Grant Hart. The album was engineered and mixed by Simon Reid at Simon Reid Music in Nashville, TN and mastered by Torain Chavis (Tory G) of Levels Music Entertainment in Virginia Beach, VA.

For the latest updates and info on the Greaternity project, please visit them online at: And follow Greaternity on social media.

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