Interview: Gary Caserta

Oct 26 2022

Gary Caserta, known as the lead singer of Christian rock band Fuel4Soul, has just released his first solo single, titled 'He Is'. Louder Than The Music chatted with Gary to found out how it all began for him, the story behind his music, and his plans for the future.

For those who haven't heard of you before, can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got involved in making music?

I am a country boy with that southern drawl accent. Seriously ha, I am from Southern West “By God” Virginia. I got my start in making music when a few friends in Junior High were looking for a lead singer for a rock band called “Dreaded Yellow”, looking to write original songs and living/breathing MTV at the time. That was my opportunity to show what I had. I have tried many different genres of music throughout my years of playing. I came back to my favorite genre which is Rock and wanted to glorify my Lord and Savior in it where He gave me the talent to do so. With Him in anything, it’s that much better... nothing but the truth!

Tell us about your new single 'He Is' and what the inspiration behind it was?

'He Is' was written in a few hours. It is about my dedication to my Lord and no matter how bad things get in my life, I will never stop seeking His guidance and will always be looking to Him for everything. He is #1 to me, my everything and should be everybody’s number 1.

Do you have any plans to release more music in the near future?

I have several songs that I have had written for some time now and plan on releasing them in the near future, along with a different style of song I plan to release as a single that I really feel everyone will enjoy.

What message would you like people to take from your music?

I would say put God first where I’ve tried my hand in music for many years starting back in the early 90s and nothing really happened but since I’ve let God take control, things are really starting to take shape in my music career and all thanks to Him 100% where He is giving me the songs and His word in them.

How would you describe your style of music and what are your influences?

I would say my style is a mix of like 90s alternative with hints of 80s & 2000’s rock music mixed with a little VH1 light rock. I have many influences, to name a few: Joe Elliot/Def Leppard, Michael Sweet/Stryper, Eddie Vedder/Pearl Jam, Chris Cornell/Soundgarden & Brent Smith of Shinedown.

If you could work with any songwriter, who would it be and why?

I would probably say Brad Arnold of 3 Doors Down. I’ve been a fan of his songwriting ability since they came out and have always liked where he gives thanks to God on things and was also raised by Christian folks like myself. It would be awesome to get a collab with him on a song, just saying

How would you define success in your career as an artist?

With my first single just being released a few weeks back, I am very happy with how everyone is liking it and requesting it on Christian Rock Radio.

What is your favorite album of all time?

I really don’t have a favorite album of all time but there are so many that have made a huge impact on what my sound has become today.

You're stuck on an island, it's hot, you only have enough battery life left to listen to one song on your phone. What track is it?

I would have to say “Crash” by Decyfer Down. I mean, what a great song and meaning that really gets your adrenaline up when hitting rock bottom, God will restore you. Such a great song and I’m a huge fan of TJ Harris’ Vocals

What does the next year hold for you?

I’m hoping to be out playing every stage I can get on and meeting/making new friends within the Christian Industry and letting the Lord lead and guide my way from here on out.

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