Interview: Mark A. Smith

Apr 19 2022

Mark A. Smith has released his fourth Gospel album 'Possibilities'. Louder Than The Music chatted with Mark to get his thoughts on making music, the inspiration behind his latest album, and his plans for the future.

For those who haven't heard of you before, can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got involved in making music?

I'm just a humble guy who loves to serve God's people. I have served in the capacity of church musician, minister of music, youth pastor, and senior pastor. I have been in church all my life, but just recently, I have been trying to really learn about the Kingdom of God. I've always been in music in some way or another, so it just comes natural for me, cause it was in me from the Father. God gave me the resources and the opportunity to own my own recording and production studio. So I have recorded and produced all of my albums.

Tell us about your new album 'Possibilities' and what the inspiration behind it was?

This album has been a few years in the making. There are songs that I have worked on for awhile, cause I wanted the presentation of them to be the best it could be. This album is a list of songs created to encourage the believer listening to it to keep going, keep moving in God. To realize that no matter how things appear, if God has decreed something in your life, it will come to pass, so hold on and know that it's not impossible.

Which is your favorite track on the album and why?

"You Are" because musically, it is such a beautiful melody and composition. And lyrically, it proclaims the attributes of God we live to honor. He is so awesome.

What message would you like people to take from your music?

Don't give up, stay in the race, keep the faith, don't stop, and honor the Lord with every fiber of your being.

How would you describe your style of music and what are your influences?

I would describe my style as contemporary with a worldwide appeal. I have been influence by so many different artists and genres of music.

If you could work with any songwriter, who would it be and why?

Most likely, Fred Hammond, cause he has consistently produced songs that not only encourage the people of God, but also lifts up the name of the Most High God.

How would you define success in your career as an artist?

I would define success as fully denying yourself and writing, producing composing, and singing those songs in which God the King has has birthed through you to share with the world. Not to follow a trend or satisfy a selfish need to fit in, but to truly honor Him in the gift in which He has given us freely.

What is your favorite album of all time?

The Winans "Introducing The Winans"

You're stuck on an island, it's hot, you only have enough battery life left to listen to one song on your phone. What track is it?

"Better Than I" by David Campbell

What does the next year hold for you?

I plan to continue what I've been doing this past year, really seeking God's Kingdom & His righteousness, trying to understand it, learn it, and trying my best to apply its principles to my everyday dealings with people.

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