Destiny Worship Music Reminds Us Of Easter Truths With New Single 'It Is Finished'
Destiny Worship Music is a ministry of Destiny Worship Center in Destin, FL, with the goal of glorifying Jesus as they lead people to the heart of God through praise and worship. 'It Is Finished' is a reminder of the finished work of Jesus on the cross. “With your final breath, you defeated death, and what you said you meant, it is finished.”
They believe this song is an anthem to be sung over all our lives. There is power in what Jesus did on the cross. there is healing in his finished work (Isaiah 53:5), and there is victory in the name of Jesus.
"We want to lead worship with the way we live our lives, and love those around us. We hope our songs will display that desire, and inspire you to discover and live out your God-given Destiny. As a church our core values are to bridge denominations, make disciples, build families, and transform communities. Leading thousands in worship every weekend across the emerald coast, our goal is reaching people and building lives."