Video: ICF Worship
Only You

Apr 05 2022

After kicking off 2022 with an energetic first single, ICF Worship introduce 'Only You', a brand-new song that makes space for worship and contemplation. The second single from their upcoming spring EP 'Here’s To The One We Love', ICF Worship describe the new song as "a song of repentance and a heart cry that leads us back to our Saviour," which its slower and poignant melody smoothly bolsters. With 'Only You', the Swiss worship movement inspire us to return to what we were made for: praising the name of Jesus! The new single centres around the powerful lyrics "Come and fill this space cause nothing really matters, unless it’s you I build upon," affirming ICF Worship's pursuit of keeping Christ at the centre. Although the song takes a different approach to their supercharged first single of the year, 'Only You' has an anthemic distinctiveness to it, making it a beautiful hymn of surrender for the Church.

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