Andrea Olson
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Andrea Olson recently released her new single, 'Monument', featuring Meredith Andrews. Louder Than The Music caught up with Andrea to find out how she started out, the story behind her new song, and what she has in store for the next year.
For those who haven't heard of you before, can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got involved in making music?
I would love to. I currently live in Minnesota with my husband and our three girls. We have been involved in ministry in some capacity all of our married life. I have always loved worship and...
Read More Andrea Olson recently released her new single, 'Monument', featuring Meredith Andrews. Louder Than The Music caught up with Andrea to find out how she started out, the story behind her new song, and what she has in store for the next year.
For those who haven't heard of you before, can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got involved in making music?
I would love to. I currently live in Minnesota with my husband and our three girls. We have been involved in ministry in some capacity all of our married life. I have always loved worship and making music, but I had one idea in my mind as a child, as to what my calling was, but as I grew from teen to adult, I realized a shift happening in my heart. God was adding a passion in me for the local Church and for training people. Specifically worship leaders and musicians in the local church context. So, I just started taking one step of faith with what and whom God had placed in front of me and I started helping local churches by training their teams, youth or interns. In 2014, I started Overflow Worship out of that passion to continue serving churches in this way. It began as an annual conference but has grown into a year-round ministry to churches in the Midwest. As an organization, we focus on small and medium sized churches and the unique challenges that they face.
My goal is to be a bridge and help churches in between the conference with practical application by doing on site workshops in their local context to help them with their unique challenges and growth goals, or leading worship with them in their church. It has been such a blessing to be on this journey that I never expected to be on, but I know it’s exactly where God has called me to be. Amidst the training and leading…the deepest part of my heart is for worship first. All of this would be pointless without God, and we need His Presence. It’s where healing begins, and revelation starts, and healing happens. And I want to help lead people into an encounter with His Presence like never before, or maybe for the first time. And that’s why I write songs. They are for the Church. And I’m so excited about what God is doing and I’m just honored to be a part of it.
Tell us about your new single 'Monument' and what the inspiration behind it was?
I wrote this song with a couple of friends right in the middle of quarantine. I had planned to travel to Nashville and write in person with them, but everything shut down and we quickly realized that travel wasn’t going to be an option. But, I couldn’t shake this stirring in my spirit that I needed to get this song finished. And I knew that I wanted help putting the pieces together. So, we got together on zoom. I believe that the Lord put this song in my heart during that season so it was ready for now. After all that we have been through, we need a reminder that God is still with us. That He has done great things and that He is always working and moving, even when we don’t see it. In writing this song, I was so struck by stories in the old testament, like Joshua chapter 4, when the Israelites crossed the Jordan on dry land. And they ended their journey on the other side by stopping to build a monument. They did this so that in the future, when their children asked what it was for, they could say, “that is when the Lord delivered us”. What a powerful opportunity to testify! And I believe that we should put monuments in place in our lives for the same reason. So that when dark times come, we have a rock to look back on, a sure testimony and reminder to us how God has been faithful in the past…and that He will surely deliver us now! I pray this song encourages people to take the opportunity to stop and praise for all that He has done. Even though we aren’t through the fire, we know that He will see us through because He has a perfect track record. And I am so grateful.
Do you have plans to release more new music in the near future?
I do! We are actually working on an acoustic version of Monument right now (SURPRISE)! But, I have plans to release another single in March and June of 2021!
What message would you like people to take from your music?
That He is for you. And that He hasn’t forgotten you. And that there is power in our sacrifice of praise, even in the fire, even when we don’t feel like it. It’s worth the pursuit, it’s worth waiting in His presence and asking Him to speak. I pray that the music I sing leads people to that place of peace.
How would you describe your style of music and what are your influences?
My style is just straight up worship, I guess! I really want the music to be accessible to people in the local church context, so I keep that in mind even when creating instrumentation for production, because I want churches to be able to hear their bands playing it and feel like its accessible. But I also like to throw some creative elements in because I like creative surprises in music, and I love a good creative hook or lead line. I’m definitely influenced by my classical upbringing. I studied piano performance at a conservatory, and I love a good thick chord progression with unique sounds and out of the box progressions, but still keeping it within the lens of accessibility. My other influences are incredible worship leaders like Kari Jobe, Meredith Andrews, Michael W Smith, Hillsong and Natalie Grant.
If you could work with any songwriter, who would it be and why?
Hands down, Michael W. Smith. I grew up listening to his music, and was so influenced by his early worship music. He is such an incredible blessing to the Church and I just would love to have the opportunity to learn from him!
How would you define success in your career as an artist?
My definition of success has completely changed over the years. I used to think that success was in numbers and influence. In my young mind, I thought, if it reaches the masses, that means it is a success. If it doesn’t, that means failure. Wider reach was the goal. And I do pray that the music God puts in my heart reaches many, but who am I to say that success is defined by numbers? I believe that success is knowing that I gave my everything and did all that I believe God asked me to. And then I give the rest to Him. The outcome isn’t up to me. It’s an offering that I give. My job is to surrender to however He chooses to use it. And after I’ve given everything I believe He wanted me to, whatever the outcome, it’s reached exactly who and where He wanted.
What is your favorite album of all time?
Of all time? Oh that’s so hard. Probably Rachel Lampa’s first album, it’s just really nostalgic for me. It was really monumental in my life as a young teenager. Something about her voice and the words of the songs met me right where I was at. And now when I listen to it, it brings back so many sweet memories.
You're stuck on an island, it's hot, you only have enough battery life left to listen to one song on your phone. What track is it?
Song To the King by Natalie Grant
What does the next year hold for you?
Honestly, it holds a whole lot of change and some really big steps of faith. We are currently in the process of moving to a new city after 15 years in our current community. We are launching into a lot of new expansions of ministry, which are exciting, but also a little scary, because it’s new, it’s unknown. But, like I said, I know God will see us through. He has always been faithful, and I know He always will be.

Andrea Olson Releases Her Album 'This Good'
Worship artist Andrea Olson has released her newest album, 'This Good' co-written with acclaimed song writers such as Meredith Andrews, Chris Clayton, Melanie Waldman, Matt Armstrong, Justin Tweito, McKendree Tucker and Dustin…