About: About Our Reviews

Apr 19 2024

One of the key parts of LTTM is our reviews section. We love to let people know about great new music through the reviews we publish. We have a team of volunteer writers who are all passionate about music, and they review the albums from their own personal perspective. Everyone has an opinion, and sometimes your opinion about an album doesn't quite match the opinion of the person writing a review. But that's what makes the world interesting, right?

Submit An Album
If you are a Christian artist, or you represent an artist, and would like your album or EP to be considered for review on LTTM, please get in touch with us via the Contact Us page. We are more than happy to feature reviews from both signed and independent artists, provided the music is of good quality and fits our ethos. Get in touch and tell us a bit about yourself, including a link to your website (if you have one) and we'll let you know how to send us your music.

But please be aware that we can't promise to review every album that is submitted to us. We reserve the right to refuse any albums, either because we don't think they fit our audience, or simply because we just don't have the capacity to review them at the present time.

Also, be aware that our reviewers will give their honest opinion of the album they are reviewing. If you're not willing to accept what they might write about your album - please don't send it to us!

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