Louise Gregg

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Louise Gregg, a worship leader, songwriter, and musician based in Manchester, UK, will release her debut EP 'Constant' on 15th September.

"Constant is my debut EP and it's been a long time in the making", explains Louise. "Each track was birthed out of significant moments in my journey over the last few years and have all played a massive part in my processing. Every song is filled with victories won and freedom that I've journeyed into. I hope that as you listen to it you are accelerated into ever increasing freedom and encounter with Jesus. If I can give you the...
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Louise Gregg - Constant
Sep 20 2017

Louise Gregg - Constant

Louise Gregg, a worship leader, songwriter, and musician based in Manchester, UK, has released her debut EP 'Constant'. "Constant is my debut EP and it's been a long time in the making", explains Louise. "Each track was…

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